For the production of this fiber, the regenerated yarn from old jeans is used, products that cannot be reused and that would have ended up being pulped.
In this case, the regeneration of old jeans takes place in Italy by tearing them up and trimming the material obtained. The colors cover various shades of blue and light blue which are the original pre-consumer colors and which are repurposed without further dyeing. The consumption of water for coloring is therefore almost zero. Often to make the garment sturdy and maximize its durability it is also necessary to insert a small amount of natural fibers or polyester.
Compared to the production of virgin jeans fabric, regeneration leads to a reduction in water consumption equal to 87% which is combined with 77% of energy consumption and a 93% reduction in CO2 emissions.
“Promote reuse to reduce waste” in a nutshell, describes our continuous research on new materials with the lowest environmental impact and with acceptable production distances to ensure a real circular economy Made in Italy.